WARNING: You are still trapped in the orbit of Uranus. To escape, keep clicking stuff back at Uranus's level.
On March 13 1781 William Hershal, discovered what at first looked like a star visibly larger then the rest, and suspected it to be a comet, later observation he concluded it was a planet, the first to be discovered with a telescope and the seventh from the sun. He discovered the planet Uranus. Uranus like the other Jovian planets is a giant gas planet meaning it's mostly made of just gas, or atmosphere. Uranus atmosphere is mostly methane and hydrogen. Uranus is oddly tilted on its side; in other words, the north and south poles are in almost the same position as the Earth's equator.
As late as 1982, there was only 5 known moons of Uranus. But because of the recent discoveries by Astronomers and unmanned expeditions to the greenish blue world we no know there is much more. As of the time of the making of this game Uranus is known to have 21 moons. But don’t remember this number too much for it could be different soon at the rate of these discoveries.
Also in 1977 it was discovered Uranus had rings, like Saturn, but where much fainter. Below is a photo of them.
To go back to Uranus's orbit, just click the picture below.